Ideas to change the World

My Other Websites and Interests I have Created or working on. Business Ideas to develop.

This is for people who might be interested in some of the other things I am working on. I like most business entrepreneurs have many interests and such little time to pursue them. If you share my interest in any of the following or if you can help promote them for me, please like, share, subscribe and comment. Some sites are still a work in progress and so your comments might help steer the direction of the site.

I have created all these myself and so if you have comments you will see a place to put them on just about every page and that will be very welcome. I put these here because you never know in life how your experience can help other people to have a happy healthy and wealthy life unless you communicate your ideas to other people. You may be just the person I am looking for that can work with me to make the world better and bring more success to both of us. So please get in touch if I can help you or if you have a idea or lending hand for me.

All the Ideas on this page are intellectual property that belongs solely to Peter Johnson and by scrolling down you agree to not commercialise any idea without the written consent of Peter Johnson. If you wish to develop any of these Ideas please make contact though one of my contact pages and if you want to progress the conversation please make comments on the relevant pages.

My Books Current and yet to be published.


  1. - "Why are you still a Slave" self published by Peter Johnson and Available on amazon - This book is my first book and is full of gold, I have fantastic reviews on amazon for this first book and I home that my ideas about money and wealth really help some people.

Yet to Be Published -

In other words I need your support, Subscribe or donate to show your support for my working on these ideas.

  1. "Many ways one direction" - A book about the tools an investor need to understand in order to develop wealth in their lifetime.

  2. Getting married to a Foreigner - a book for both sides of an inter racial, inter cultural marriage form a man who married a Vietnamese woman and discovered that not all women or cultures are the same.

  3. Kids book series that talks about how people who are "Victims" of whatever in the past have ignored or been empowered by that to achieve great things, like the deaf boy who invented the hearing aid so that millions of deaf people can now hear. Be grateful for the challenges you have in life, some people never get challenged enough to be great !! and so you should always be grateful, not just learn to overcome or live with life's difficulties.

  4. The Day I hit my wife - A look at the very real violence that exists in families and how my personal experience of it shaped the world around me and my children. Just in case you do not realise yet this is a tale of how I was abused in a marriage with a violent woman and how she used every device to make sure that I could not get any help and that I could not help my children. Nobody believes that Mothers can be violent but it is more likely for a young child to be killed by their own mother than by their father. So why don't police hear men when they say women are hurting them and their children? - This book might be a bit painful to write but one day I want to write it, only when I can tell the story in a way that I am truely grateful for the experience in life. I guess am not there yet....

Vote on or support My next books

Website Ideas yet to be built

  1. A site for the trigger point of importing, designed for people who want to get access to quality products but at imported prices with a crowd buying type platform where customers register there intention to buy with a small non refundable deposit and then when that item reaches enough registrations to ship it sends a request for payment in full. After which the goods are shipped in the time frame of international freight and distributed. This mean that buyer who are not in a hurry but in a similar location can group together and effectively gain access to great products at the price of the importers. This improves distribution efficiencies and makes everything in this site the cheapest possible price.

  2. - A web site with my opinions on it about life, love, the world. I wanted a place to put my opinions without needing the normal filters of business and society. A place where the normal view point of the world can be heard and not just the very loud minority view point. For some reason today it seams like you have to have some title of a Victim of something in order to be listened too. It you are not a victim or a minority group in order to have a valid opinion on anything. The old standard used to be that you have some knowledge, education or experience in order to have a valid opinion, so glad we got rid of that idea ....(that is sarcasm)

  3. Mens rights - support for men who are victims of female violence - 1/3 of the domestic violence statistics say that men are victims of female violence too but men are still treated very differently when it comes to being supported in these circumstances. Men can be victims of violence every bit as much as women and that violence can be physical, mental, emotional or manipulative. All forms of violence are harmful and men need strong women to stand up against other women who commit violence against their partners and children every bit as much as women need the same from men. To say this anywhere is not popular or even acceptable because for some reason if a man says he has been hurt, women everywhere instantly think, now you know how we feel ? Why is that an appropriate reaction to anyone who has been hurt by anyone else. Men suffer everywhere under physical and sexual abuse in western cultures and have very little support if any.

  4. Intellectual property website that offers easy protection for Ideas by giving the idea to companies who have pre agreed to bid on and support innovation in there area of development with a set standard of compensation for the inventor in what would be a joint venture. The site would effectively be a platform that brought manufacturers, investors and inventors together in a better more specifically structured way than just a crowd funding platform.

  5. A website promoting replaceable "terms and conditions as a concept to be adopted into law by all countries in the world. This would work similar to the Replaceable constitution rules that australia has for corporate law which say that companies can say what they like in there constitutions but where it conflicts with the replaceable rules the standard government rules apply. This innovation needs to be applied to internet terms and conditions and software terms and conditions and finance terms and conditions. It needs to be done because the average person can not possibly read all the terms and conditions that they actually are agreeing to on a daily basis and now that consumption of imagined products like websites is a daily, hourly thing, consumers need protection under law. Please comment and let me know if I should develop this web site and what standards should be applied to this.

  6. Global democracy, instant democracy for important legislation in your respective country, you register or download this app and then any new laws that your local political party or its opposition posts or suggests is put to a instant vote where you the people can give instant feedback in a more formal way than twitter.

My inventions and Products that my factories produce. - I designed this nut cracker to crack Australian macadamia nuts of all different sizes. The idea was inspired by a gift my mum gave me of a similar design but like all business men I decided I could make it better and simpler. So that is what I did and now you can but it on amazon if you like or direct from my site. - For all your home insulation needs - I actually own one of the few Cellulose fibre ceiling insulation manufacturing factories left in Queensland Australia (The multi nationals have pushed most small insulation companies out now) and this is my retail outlet company for that product. This is really a fantastic insulation that lasts forever in your roof and never gets attacked by insects or vermin. It is also the most environmentally safe insulation on the planet. I sell the product to other installers and so if you are wanting to set up a insulation company in Australia or anywhere I can certainly help. - I actually have a cousin who is a house re stumper in Australia and he designed this re stumper many years ago and asked me to start producing them in Vietnam, so I decided to make my own version of it and make that available for international re stumpers and renovators around the world. It is a good idea and I have tested it in my machine here and it seams to be very strong. Of course you will need to get a engineer to say that you can use them on your house and how high you can have them extended. I live in Vietnam most of the time now days but I noticed they have a lot of clay tiles here and Because of my roofing experience I checked them out. Well the tested strength I got from these clay tiles was fantastic and they are certainly more environmentally friendly than the comment roof tiles that just break so easily. Check out me smashing tiles on the videos and testing them for strength. The Terracotta tiles took 530kg to break but the cement roof tiles broke at just 150kgs ... Wow I was really impressed with the clay tiles, they last forever, do not rust, no need for toxic paint and they are so strong !! Definitely a product worth promoting internationally, if you want some a friend of mine here is a manufacturer and I am sure I can negotiate a good deal for you. You do not even need to buy a container load at a time.

Yet to be developed

  1. Sola powered evaporative aircon

  2. sola powered cloths dryer

  3. Using the extreme heat in a roof of a house to cool the home though a chemical reaction in materials. The hotter it gets the colder it makes things. Just seams to make sense to me.

Change the World and make it a Better Place one conversation, comment or post at a time

Change the Money system and stop it enslaving the world - I set this site up to have conversation with people and create a community around the idea of understanding Fiat money and creating a money system or consumption system that is not but around the flawed compounding growth curve of unlimited resources economy. Join the conversation about money and how we can change this system to be designed to help the planet and not kill it.

A Perpetual Charity - It would be a Charity with a Difference

I am wanting to set up a Perpetual charity in the lines of the Nobel Peace Price but different.

I mean that charity was created from the profits of one of the most destructive weapons ever made by humans. What Nobel created has killed more people than any other single human invention and so it should be remembered that the man who set up that charity with the profits from that weapon has a lot of good to do in the world before he makes up for all the harm his invention caused.

In the same vain as the structure of that charity (It only distributes profits each year from its investments) I would like to make a charity that benefits people only by the profits of the donation after allowing for the inflation rate. The capital would always stay invested and so it will be the charity that keeps on giving year after year.

I would also not be interested in only Charity donation as the best charity is ofter access to clean water, food, shelter, education and a job but most charities never focus on that last one. If they did they would be out of a job. So maybe worthy Causes is a better word. These could be presented in a similar way to what noble set up but instead of a group of wealthy people deciding where they want to invest their money or donate their profits. Let's make it a democratic system that leaves that control in the hands of the donator to either make these two decisions yearly or assign the decision to a board of directors that is elected by the vote of the donators. The vote of the donators should not be based on the more money you donate and so the more votes you have, it should be one individual gets one vote.

I would also like to make the nomination of those profits to be always in the control of the donator by way of vote or partition to approved charities or causes on a yearly basis. That way if one charity stopped working in the right direction as viewed by the donor, they could remove support for that charity in the future.

Inventions that I would like to bring to the market to help people.

If you like any of these Ideas, I would be happy to negotiate a licensing fee or a joint venture or any other suitable idea to bring these to the market. I am publishing these here in the hope that in my lifetime I find people who share a similar interest to develop these ideas and maybe we can make the world a better place while also helping each other by creating a successful business.

Proof of life App -

This would be a personal monitor that is fully in your control and something that would trigger a notice of your phones last GPS location and other important information to be sent to say 5 contacts in your phone by email or messenger. This could have stages to it, if I do not make contact with my phone by proving I am still alive via my finger print after one hour, one day, one week, one month, send these files to people.

Use cases might be as follows

  1. you are on a date with a stranger and plan to spend the night so you let you phone know that if you do not check in by the morning send a message to your friends.

  2. You are out fishing for the night as you normally do but you have decided to go to a different location and so rather that have a search party looking in the wrong spot if you go missing, just update your phone with a new message that will be sent to trusted people if you do not proof you are alive every set amount of time for that trip, maybe a alarm goes on your phone giving you 10 minutes to input your finger print or it sends a alert. Of course the alerts will need to be managed on a cloud so that if your phone is flat, broken it still sends the alert. Maybe it sends a email to you 1 hour before the notification goes out just in case your phone is broken or lost and that email has a stop link on it for you to cancel it being sent out.

  3. You are backpacking around the world so you set a notification that your phone needs proof of life finger print once a week or it sends a message out to your trusted contacts.

  4. Got a long drive home and it is late set one that cancels when you get home or in the time it should take you to get home but if you say fall asleep and crash the car or break down in a no service area, it will automatically send a preset message you have put in for that type of travel proof to be sent with the last known ping from your phone.

  5. Last will and testament - maybe if it has no proof of life for a year (user set) it can activate to send social media death codes, last will and testament videos, asset locations and division, bank details etc ...

  6. Put the app on your ageing mothers Ipad and it automatically alerts you to call her if she has not made a POL by say 8am in the morning every day. That way she knows if she falls down in the night and can not get up her family will automatically be notified.

  7. Maybe a voice POL is more secure than a finger print or maybe it needs a pass code as well and any wrong code sends the alert immediately.

  8. It could have an emergency immediate danger alert, where it contacts police ambulance and starts to record what is happening in the background on the mic and the video cameras. If you were being assaulted that might be invaluable in helping to get help immediately. Maybe that could be activated by putting a 911 code to your lock screen.

  9. It could have a map or location tracker on it too that could be used to find your way back to a previous location with a compass direction for if you were hiking and needed to have a simple directing that pointed back to the camp site or other home location. "Point my way Home" This would be handy if hiking, boating, camping or even just driving up bush tracks with you being able to set a point that you can be brought back to in an emergency. This could also be handy in a big event centre or show if you had kids that they can find there way back to a common meeting spot.


  1. You can set as many warning as you want with different Categories of POL, message information being sent, contact groups, Cancelation email opportunity and update alarms for POL,

  2. It could also be in the cloud to ping the phone at set intervals for the different alarms and so when it pings the cloud updates the last location without a proof of life.

  3. The phone could be set to take 1 min recordings of the background noise at some user set interval in order that these recordings could be made available if a serious alert category was sent, like a personal black box for if you think you might be in a risky situation. If it is a really risky situation maybe it records non stop until you enter a POL and then it deletes old files daily.


Make it a subscription that is paid for yearly or monthly. It would not need to be much for the cheap plan that only lets you set a basic alert but then the more expensive plans might include all the alerts and the most expensive plan might include the Last will information and video links that could all be personal messages sent to different contacts and include different files.

This would put safety in the hands of the phone user, with multiple set and forget proof of life warning that can be easily set up and canceled in any situation.

By publishing these Ideas there is a small risk that someone will steel them and try to profit from them without even telling people where they got the idea from but there is also a greater probability that I will find support in one form or another to help me develop these ideas and so help the whole world.